To first give you some insight into myself (after all that's what blogs are for), I am not someone who jumps on a "fan bandwagon" easily, it takes a lot for a show or video game to make me want to talk about it. However, I found that shows with exceptional writing are the kind that draw me into it, and by exceptional I do not exactly mean the general plot (for example I enjoy Lost but it does not fall into this kind of writing). I mean fantastical writing, like the crazy shows on adultswim that they show at 11:00 or 12:00 at night, shows featuring this type of character:

Xavier: Renegade Angel
So my question to myself is why? Why connect to these types of writing so far from the "reality" of television in appearance, and even more in discourse? Obviously one of the reasons people read or see or desire fantasy is because of its distance to reality, everyone wants to see or perhaps escape into a world where things are different. Why do you think Harry Potter sold so well? Now imagine that it's the fantasy of a troubled child with bad parents, in other words most of us at some point in our lives.
But I digress...the writing I'm talking about is different then this kind of fantasy, some of the writing I am talking about may connect with the real world in terms of similar language, but the rest are characters and situations that are completely different then anything else I have read or seen on television. The strange thing to me is that no one else has heard of or enjoys this, if I mention Delocated, Superjail!, or perhaps even Ugly Americans (it's a newer show, so I don't know how popular it is) very few people will know what I am talking about. It reminds me of how not a lot of my peers (or at least the ones I know) have read the book Stranger in a Strange Land, because these shows put you into a world where you cannot grok anything (look it up if you don't know what it means). The situation of the Tomcat Murr is similar as he understands the human world from a cats point of view, and learns things differently because of it, so you enter these worlds of writing and get mindfucked by the uniqueness of it. His life is incredible to him because he percieves it in a different and more interesting way then Johann, and this gives him more self-confidence, after all if you woke up one day and life was fun you'd think the same way, that it was because of you.
I think the reason I envy these writers is because they have such freedom in what they say, as it does not have to apply to anything, but as long as I'm writing this, blogging into the vastness of space I think I'll start writing the way I want to and not try to sound smart.
ok, listen up, open your ears and brain-ears for information that will affect you, how deeply i do not know but i'm a firm believer that if something is mentioned and someone is listening it will affect them no matter how minor or inconsequential, if those terms really do exist
the time is 2:46, the mood is chill yet slightly nervous, the song playing is "Electric Demons" by Electric Six, probably followed by "Tomorrow Comes Today" by the Gorillaz
music is another form of communication so i should discuss it in the context of the other writings, what about unique sounding music? ahhhh, that's interesting, when i think of music i think of how it evokes different moods, so maybe it is the same with the writing that was just discussed by intellectual_grizz, if writing evokes moods maybe the reason unique writing effects me is because what i strive to connect with is the mood of ridiculousness, a connectedness of being to an area that is simply crazy but the kind of crazy where i can relax and let it happen because it's funny
side note- the punctuation is as such because i am used to speaking to well-known individuals over IM so i thought perhaps this would allow me to communicate in a more personal fashion to the absence of a reader
so why do i crave this ridiculous state? as with most hobbies avoiding responsability is a definite part of it, but i'd like to think that i can enjoy something for a good reason
perhaps like the Tomcatt Murr I want everything to be an adventure, a journey of some sort mentally or otherwise and with these shows there is no destination, there is simply a sense of rambling on that can be quoted to the point where it is never really dead, it is just waiting to be rewatched
i remember reading a kurt vonnegut book called "A Man Without A Country", his last book, as i recall, and it talked about how a lot of literature in the world is really about how god damn hard life is, as are most television shows, movies, etc. there HAS to be drama, there HAS to be a struggle
now my idea is that yes life is a struggle but maybe not the kind that other people tell us it is, maybe it is like the philosopher in the video told us, the struggle is determining if we are truly behaving rightly, or going back to class doing what is MEANINGFUL
but this does not mean that dealing with other people has to be a struggle, that dealing with the work forced upon us has to be more then a part of our schedule, or that the general bad things that happen to us on a day to day basis externally
in other words: the true fight is within (did that sound as nerdy and dramatic as i think it did? probably, fuck it i think i'm almost done with my blog by now)
lastly, todays class reminded me a great deal of the greek philosopher Cicero, who wrote the six mistakes that man make:
1. the delusion that personal gain is made by crushing others
2. the tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected
3. insisting that a thing is impossible because you cannot accomplish it yourself.
4. refusing to set aside trivial preferences
5. neglecting development and refinement of the mind
6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do
in translation= CHILL BITCH
thank you invisible audience, it's been fun
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